Monday, October 31, 2011

Follow me!

The Italian Stallion

Here is a quick digital illustration/sketch that I did this weekend about one of my childhood heroes the Italian Stallion!

Aqui esta una Ilustracion/Boceto digital que hice este fin de semana de unos de mis heroes de infancia el Semental Italiano!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Look! I'm on the internet!

Here's a nice post from the people from The Clink Room, I helped them with a translation from an article and they were really kind to sent me a hat as a way to say thank you for my help.

Aqui esta un articulo de la gente de The Clink Room, yo los ayude a traducir un reportaje y ellos fueron tan amables de mandarme una gorra como en agradecimiento.

Old drawings

Here are some old works that I did during college, most of them are just ideas and studies.

Aqui estan algunos trabajos viejitos que hice cuando estaba en la Universidad, la mayoria de ellos son ideas y estudios.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Final result

I'm finally done with this paint, so I wanted to share it with all of you.
Termine finalmente con esta pintura, asi que decidi compartirla con ustedes.

Thank you for checking out my work!
Gracias por ver mis trabajos!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pete and Mandy's wedding Vows II

I want to congrats to my friends Pete and Mandy for their lovely second wedding! well it's a long story so I'm not going to complicate my life to talk about the details of it! I also want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to be the photographer for this special moment in their life!! Thank u guys!! May God bless your new family.

Quisiera felicitar a mis amigos Pete y Mandy por su segunda y hermosa boda! buee es una larga historia asi que no voy a complicarme la vida explicando los detalles!! tambien quisiera agradecerles por darme la oportunidad de ser la persona encargada de tomar las fotografias en este momento tan especial en sus vidas! Gracias panas!! Que el Senor bendiga su nueva familia.